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Beschreibung: The "IGN-Mitglieder@kbx7.de" membership listservice is a closed, password
protected information, communication and transaction tool but for
IGN-Members only...

IGN e.V. - INNOVATION. Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk (X-border Network) -
a non-profit Association (gemeinnütziger Verein) for Education,
Development and Knowledge Transfer - has been founded first in 2002 as
"GDI-Sachsen (i.G.)" - the final outcome of the "OpenGIS Strategy Seminar"
series in GI2000 & GI2002 at "Bildungswerk Ost-West" (BOW), but later on
re-founded as the follow-up "IGN e.V." at September 2nd, 2003, by Czechia
and Saxonia experts of Cartomatics, Cyberlaw, Cybernetics, Geomatics,
Economics, Mediamatics, Pedagogics, Regional Development and Spatial
Sciences, and officially registered as a non-profit Association at October
16th, 2003.

Register number # VR4285 - by Dresden City Court
[ http://www.IGN-SN.de/Registration.pdf ].

Its main goals: supporting GEO - ENVIRO - SPATIO - oriented Awareness,
Business and Openness in Research, Education and Training on GeoINSPIRE’d
Interoperability, Sustainability, and Usability of spatial Data, Services
and Applications for X-border-Infrastructures of Spatial Information

IGN-Weblog: [ http://GDI-SN.blogspot.com ]

IGN received its approval according to KStG § 5, Abs. 1 ( 9 ) of Saxony's
tax bylaw rules as a charity association under German tax ID # 203 / 140 /
01320 from Finance Authority Department Dresden III at October 22nd, 2003.

IGN deals with scientific research,.sustainable regional development,
public relations, as well as providing of postgradual awareness raising
up, education and training in an enlarged EUROPE of REGIONS. Its main
activities are focused on GEO-ENVIRO-SPATIO service infrastructures for
citizens, businesses and administrations, especially in the thematical
sectors of agriculture, construction, hydrology, forestry, traffic,
logistics and other related service infrastructures to support the future
of information society & knowledge economy.

IGN promotes multimedial service infrastructure research & development,
and supports awareness, education & training, primarily in the territorial
core area of cross-border areas of "Bavaria, Bohemia, Saxonia, Silesia"
and, of course, will serve as a coordinating and managing body in a
broader context of trans-national East-West (Euro-Asian) & North-South
(Euro-African) cross-border collaboration network for sustainable
development of environment, spatial planning for decision making and
distance learning support in disadvantaged remote rural areas.

IGN is developing innovative services and tools for life long learning to
support the future of a globalized knowledge economy, especially for
citizens, private industry and public administrations at local and
regional levels in cross-border, inter-regional and trans-national

Special Interest Groups (ARBEITSKREISE) have been and will be temporarily
formed according to global, eurolateral, national, provincial, regional
and/or local action lines and sectors of interests, for example...

- Awareness, education, training in postgradual Points-Of-Learning
(Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Weiterbildung in postgradualen Lernzentren)

- Business and research development for spatial decision planning
(Geschäfts- und Entwicklungprozesse für territoriale Entscheidungen)
OpenDOOR-C [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=11342&c=list ]

- Cooperation with other euro-regional or transnational Euro/Afri &
Euro/Asia networks of excellence (Kooperation in grenzüberschreitenden
Euro/Afri- und Euro/Asia - Experten-Netzwerken)
- EURASIA-L [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=15016&c=list ]

- Geo-Enviro-Spatio service infrastructures in Saxony & EU regions
(Geo-Umwelt-Raum - Dienste-Infrastrukturen in Sachsen & EU-Regionen)
GDI-SN-L [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=11265&c=list ]

- Management of co-operative EU education, research and development
projects (Management von EU-Kooperationsprojekten für Bildung, Forschung
und Entwicklung)
CCSS [ http://www.CCSS.cz ]
CZ-CBC-SN [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=15074&c=list ]
PL-CBC-SN [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=16378&c=list ]
ENERGIS-L [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=16377&c=list ]

- Interoperable webservices for citizens, business and administration
(Interoperable Web-Dienste für Bürger, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung)
GDI-SachseN [ http://www.GDI-SN.de ]
Geospatial SAXONY [ http://GDI-SN.blogspot.com ]

- Public relations, data and information dissemination
(Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Datenservice und Informationsversorgung)
GDI-SN-L [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=11266&c=list ]

- Research and development for spatial webservice infrastructures
(Forschung und Entwicklung für räumliche Web-Dienste-Infrastrukturen)
NATURNET [ http://www.NATURNET.org ]
NN+Portal [ http://portal.NATURNET.org ]

- Support for agro-civil-geo-enviro-hydro-forest-spatio thematical
(Förderung für Agrar-Bau-Geo-Umwelt-Wasser-Forst-Raumplanungs -
EMIRES [ http://www.emires.cz ]
EMIRES.ppt [ http://www.slideshare.net/kcharvat/emires-short ]

- Workshops, seminars, conferences and symposia organization etc.
(Organisation von Workshops, Seminaren, Konferenzen und Symposien).
ISAF [ http://www.ccss.cz/ ] and GI [ http://www.IGN-SN.de ]

- IGN is offering and supporting data, information and knowledge, as
well as management experience and business intelligence transfer openly
and transparently to the public, and promoting awareness on INNOVATION's
in fields of postgradual education, scientific research, sustainable
development and innovative technology.
NN+Portal [ http://portal.naturnet.org ]

Therefore, IGN is about networking interactively together citizens, public
administrations and private industry (especially SME's) for future
projects and action lines in the enlarged EUROPE of REGIONS, and is
supporting globalized cooperation of associations, transnational EAST-WEST
and NORTH-SOUTH project collaboration and regional/local interoperation of
cross-border community networks.

Dresden, September 9th, 2003 / updated: 30.01.2015 SKYPE: "FH_IGN"
PHONE contacts: +49-351-403.2729; Mobile +49-170-410.9611
EMAIL contacts: [ Vorstand@IGN-SN.de ] [ info@IGN-SN.de ]
WEB presentation at: [ http://www.IGN-SN.de ]
WEBLOG presentation at: [ http://GDI-SN.blogspot.com ]

Vereinsregister: Certification VR # 4285 by Amtsgericht Dresden, October
16th, 2003.

Last updated: January 30th, 2015 [by FH].

Kategorien: KBX7 > Länder und Regionen > Europa
KBX7 > Wissenschaft > Organisationen
Gegründet: 09.09.2003
Art: Diskussionsliste
Sprache: englisch
Erscheinungsform: HTML oder Text
Teilnehmer: 8
 Jan  Feb  Mär  Apr  Mai  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Okt  Nov  Dez 
 2003                           11   15   6   6 
 2004   34   9   2   3   5   8   7   6   7   5   8   8 
 2005   4   5   6   7   4   1   4   2   3   1   8   6 
 2006   6   3   5   2   5   6   7   3         4   3 
 2007   4   3   1   1   5   4   9   5   4   3   2   5 
 2008   5   2   4   2   11   7   7   1   2   2   1   3 
 2009   7   1         2   3   2   2            5 
 2010   3   1         1      5   1   2   4   1   5 
 2011   3   6   5   2      1         2   2      4 
 2012   4               1   4   1   2         1 
 2013   4                                  
 2014   4   1                     1          
 2015   3   4   1                  1      1   1 
 2016   4         1               1          
 2017   3                                  
 2018   3                                  
 2019   1                                  
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